Friday, December 30, 2011

3D UltraSound

Beautiful Baby Girl

3D Profile
Her leg and foot
Her Face
Thurs December 29th Vanessa had a 3D Ultra Sound done. It is so amazing how clear you can see her features.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Vanessa and Baby

Went shopping
16 Weeks Pregnant
18 Weeks Pregnant
Day we found out what the baby was.

Ultra Sound Pics

It's a Girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Vanessa went for her 18 week check-up on Wed November 23rd, and they did an Ultra Sound it's official it's a girl and we are so excited, kinda knew it would be one. Now let the naming begin. If you have any ideas let me or Vanessa know.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Second Dr's Appt

Today Vanessa had her 2nd Dr's Appt with Dr.Quinn. Everything is going great, Vanessa did lose a couple pounds but Dr said it's normal and will change in the next few months. It's a wonder she lost that with all the vomiting she has been

Also, heard the heartbeat for the 2nd time, such a great experience and it makes me happy. Just can't believe that there is a little human being in there. Dr. says it sounds like a girl, we will find out the sex in about 3 weeks on November 23rd when Vanessa goes for her 18 week visit.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Baby on Board

Hi everyone,
If you don't know by now, Vanessa is with child, she is now 14 weeks along. Everything is going smoothly, well except a few days when she doesn't feel good..hahahaha!

She found out in Aug and was 5 weeks along. we have had the first ultra sound as you can see on the side. She will probably have another one in a few weeks so that we can find out what it is. Can't wait for that one. Still going through the baby name book and have come up with a few ideas, but not to many for the boys.

I will keep you updated with the baby and Vanessa when things get a little bit closer or monthly. And of course you know me a lot of

Thanks to all who have been so supportive and continue to do so, we really appreciate it so much.. Love you all